Collocations & Phrases

In the IELTs writing prompt and the answer given here we have used certain collocations and phrases. It will be useful for you to understand the meaning of these and learn in what context you can use them. So some of them are selected and explained here.

wealth of information

 A wealth of information is a large amount of information, especially information that is valuable or useful. It can be used in a sentence like this: “The internet provides a wealth of information on any topic imaginable.”

  • Taking a lot of time.

Here is an example of how it can be used in a sentence:

  • Writing a book is a time-consuming process.


Well-rounded is an adjective that describes someone who is knowledgeable and experienced in a variety of areas. It can also be used to describe something that is complete or comprehensive. For example, a well-rounded education would include courses in a variety of subjects, such as maths, science, history, and literature. A well-rounded person would be someone who is interested in a variety of things and has a variety of skills.

Here are some other synonyms for well-rounded:

  • well-developed
  • well-informed
  • well-educated
  • well-experienced
  • well-versed
  • well-read
  • well-travelled


Eye-opening is an adjective that means causing someone to see or understand something in a new and different way. It can also mean surprising or shocking someone. For example, you might say that a book was eye-opening if it made you see the world in a new way, or that a news story was eye-opening if it revealed something that you had never known before.

Here are some examples of how the word “eye-opening” can be used in a sentence:

  • The documentary was eye-opening and made me realise how much I didn’t know about the subject.
  • The meeting was eye-opening and gave me a new perspective on the issue.
  • The book was eye-opening and changed the way I think about the world.
  • The experience was eye-opening and made me see things in a whole new light.


Cross-cultural means involving or relating to two or more cultures. It can also mean understanding and respecting the differences between cultures.

Here are some examples of cross-cultural activities:

  • Learning a new language
  • Travelling to another country
  • Reading about different cultures
  • Eating food from different cultures
  • Celebrating holidays from different cultures
  • Talking to people from different cultures

Cross-cultural activities can help you learn about different cultures and perspectives. They can also help you develop communication skills, empathy, and tolerance.


The word “in-depth” means detailed or thorough. It can be used to describe a discussion, analysis, or investigation that is comprehensive and covers all aspects of a topic. For example, an in-depth article about a political candidate would discuss their background, policies, and positions on a variety of issues.

Here are some other examples of how the word “in-depth” can be used:

  • I’m looking for an in-depth guide to starting a business.
  • We’re conducting an in-depth investigation into the allegations of fraud.
  • The documentary provided an in-depth look at the life of the artist.
  • The therapist offered in-depth counselling to the patient.
  • The students conducted an in-depth study of the American Revolution.


Time-efficient means using time wisely and avoiding wasting time. It is the ability to complete tasks quickly and effectively. Time-efficient people are able to manage their time wisely and get things done without feeling rushed or stressed. They are also able to prioritise their tasks and focus on the most important ones.

Here are some tips for being more time-efficient:

  • Set goals and deadlines for yourself.
  • Break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • Prioritise your tasks and focus on the most important ones first.
  • Delegate tasks when possible.
  • Take breaks when you need them to avoid burnout.
  • Reward yourself for completing tasks on time.

Being time-efficient can help you save time, reduce stress, and be more productive.

on the other hand

The phrase “on the other hand” can be used to introduce a different point of view or argument. It can also be used to express a contrast or contradiction. For example, you might say “I love dogs, but on the other hand, they can be a lot of work.” Or, you might say “I think that the new law is a good idea, but on the other hand, it might have some unintended consequences.”

Here are some other ways to say “on the other hand”:

  • In contrast
  • On the contrary
  • Conversely
  • Alternatively
  • However
  • Nevertheless
  • Still

first and foremost

The phrase “first and foremost” means “most important of all.” It is used to emphasize the importance of something. For example, you might say “First and foremost, we need to make sure our customers are happy.”

The phrase “in spite of this” means “despite this fact.” It is used to introduce a statement that contradicts or contrasts with something that has just been said. For example, you might say “I’m tired, in spite of this I’m going to go to the gym.” This means that even though you are tired, you are going to the gym anyway.

Here are some other examples of how the phrase “in spite of this” can be used:

  • I like him, in spite of his flaws.
  • I’m going to keep going, in spite of the obstacles in my way.
  • I believe in you, in spite of what anyone else says.

in lieu of

“In lieu of” means “instead of.” It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as:

  • “I will accept a check in lieu of cash.”
  • “We will be holding a virtual conference in lieu of the in-person event.”
  • “The judge sentenced the defendant to community service in lieu of jail time.”

In each of these examples, the phrase “in lieu of” is used to introduce something that is being substituted for something else.

Play Games to test your knowledge of these words and the writing task.