How to Learn Tamil

1. Learn Some Tamil Verbs

TamilPronunciationTelugu / English Meaning
கொடுkoduఇవ్వు / give
எடுeduతీసుకో / take
குடிkudiతాగు / drink
Simple Verbs non-polite

கொடுங்கkodungaఇవ్వండి / give
எடுங்கedungaతీసుకోండి / take
குடிங்கkudingaత్రాగండి / drink
Add ‘ங்க’ ‘nga’ to make a verb polite.

2. Learn Some Tamil Nouns

TamilPronunciationTelugu / English Meaning
பணம்panamడబ్బు / money
படம்padamఫోటో / చిత్రం / photo
தண்ணீர்thanneerనీరు / నీళ్లు / water
3. Combine Verbs and Nouns to Make Meaningful Sentences.

TamilPronunciationTelugu / English Meaning
பணம் கொடு.panam koduడబ్బు ఇవ్వు. /
give money
பணம் கொடுங்க.panam kodungaడబ్బు ఇవ్వండి. /
give money
எனக்கு பணம் கொடுங்க.enakku panam
నాకు డబ్బు ఇవ్వండి.
Give me money.

In the same way we can make sentences such as:

போட்டோ எடு. / போட்டோ எடுங்க. – take photo

photo edu / photo edunga

என் போட்டோ எடு. / என் போட்டோ எடுங்க. – Take my photo.

en photo edu / en photo edunga

தண்ணீர் குடி. / தண்ணீர் குடிங்க. – drink water

thanneer kudi / thanneer kudinga

In collaquial Tamil the last letter \r\ is usually dropped. And we say,

thannee kudi / thannee kudinga

Watch the video and learn to say these sentences. Repeat the sentences and add your own sentences.

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