After learning to read the Hindi vowels, consonants pa series, Hindi word set 1, ha and na series, ya ra la va series, ka series, Hindi assessment1, cha and sa series, tha and ta Series & sha, sa, ha Series, take this second reading assessment.
Hindi Reading Assessment 2
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These exercises are based on one of the conversations. Try it and learn how much you can understand and speak Hindi.
Hotpotato Conversation Assessment
Hotpotato Wedding Conversation Assessment
Conversation Based Interactive Assessment
If there is any problem accessing the quiz scan this QR code.
Hindi Reading Assessment 2
If you have problems in solving the quiz, study these words and then take the quiz again.
Set 1
खीरा kheeraa cucumber
पैर pair leg
धारा dhaa*raa stream
भूरा bhooraa brown
हरा haraa green
Set 2
कमरा kamraa room
कैमरा camera
अंधेरा andh*eraa darkness
कटोरी katori bowl
शिकारी shikaari hunter
किनारा kinaaraa edge
खतरा khathraa danger
चेहरा cheharaa face
गहरा geharaa deep
तीसरा theesraa third
Set 3
ध्यान dh*yaan meditation
किसान kisaan farmer
उद्यान udh*yaan garden
जश्न jashn celebration
विमान vimaan plane
Set 4
बर्तन bartan vessel
बंदर bandar monkey
ढक्कन da*kkan lid
सिक्का sikkaa coin
डिब्बा dibbaa box
बच्चे bachchae children
कुत्ता kuththaa dog
बिल्ली billi cat
मच्छर machch*ar mosquito
पृथ्वी pruth*vi earth
Set 5
खाना खाना khaanaa khaanaa eating food
गाना गाना gaanaa gaanaa singing a song
पानी पीना paani peenaa drinking water
बीज बोना beej bonaa planting seeds
रोना दोना ronaa donaa crying
Now that you are able to read all the letters of the Hindi alphabet start reading simple stories and jokes in Hindi. That will help you improve your vocabulary and conversation skills further.
If you have been able to complete all the quizzes successfully you can go on to read some stories and joke in Hindi to improve your vocabulary and conversation skills.