Google Classroom Hindi

A Hindi Google Classroom has been created to help the learners.

Access the Google Classroom by clicking on this link.

We have a WhatsApp group where you can post audio submissions and ask clarification for your doubts. If you want to join the group contact us by clicking here.

In the classroom you will find Materials for Day1, Day2, etc.

Day 1 Study Materials

For each day you have assignments, a quiz and a question.

Learners submit the answers to the tasks in the WhatsApp Group and as comments in the classroom and we pick the best learner of the week by marking their submissions.

Selection of the Best Learner of the Week

In the WhatsApp class, we use a marking scheme for deciding the best learner of the week. The scheme is as follows:

Every week one or more persons will be chosen as the best learners. And the marks for all will be declared.

‘The Best Learner of the Week’

Award will be decided based on that week’s performance.

Marking Scheme

25 Marks: Repeating sentences of the first video.
25 Marks: Repeating sentences of the second video or PDF.
10 Marks: Completing the Quiz.
20 Marks: Make sentences of your own using whatever you have learnt so far.
20 Marks: Preparing a conversation using the sentences you learn from the lesson.
100 Marks: Total Marks

Sample Submission

Here is a sample submission by Mala M. A. Narasimman. Listen to this and follow the same. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 will be the same for all learners. Number 4 and 5 will be different. You choose your own sentences and conversations.

This sample is for Day 4 learning material.

Submission 1: Audio of the First Video

Submission 2: Audio of the Second Video or Pdf

3. Completed the Quiz. (Quiz)

4. Sentences in Context

5. Conversation

For any questions and doubts contact us.