Sentence Building2

First try Hindi Sentence Building 1 and then try these sentences.

Start with simple two word sentences, learn to add some words and make the sentences longer to convey complete meanings.

Two Word Sentences

For YoungstersFor Elders
तुम खेलो।Thum khelo.You play.आप खेलिए।Aap kheliye.You play.
तुम गावो।Thum gaao.You sing.आप गाइये।Aap gaaiye.You sing.
तुम लिखो।Thum likho.You write.आप लिखिए।Aap likhiye.You write.

Three Word Sentences

For YoungstersFor Elders
तुम शतरंज खेलो।Thum shathranj khelo You play chess.आप शतरंज खेलिए।Aap shathranj kheliye.You play chess.
तुम गाना गाओ।Thum gaanaa gao.You sing a song.आप गाना गाइये।Aap gaanaa gaaiye.You sing a song.
तुम जवाब लिखो।Thum javaab likho.You write the answer.आप जवाब लिखिए।Aap javaab likhiye.You write the answer.

Four Word Sentences

For YoungstersFor Elders
तुम शतरंज ठीक से खेलो।Thum shatranj tee*k se khelo.You play chess properly.आप शतरंज ठीक से खेलिए।Aap shathranj tee*k se kheliye.You play chess properly.
अब तुम गाना गाओ।Ab thum gaanaa gao.Now you sing a song.अब आप गाना गाइये।Ab aap gaanaa gaaiye.Now you sing a song.
तुम जल्दी से उत्तर लिखो।Thum jaldi se uththar likho.You write the answer quickly.आप जल्दी से उत्तर लिखिए।Aap jaldee se uththar likhiye.You write the answer quickly.

Longer Sentences

For YoungstersFor Elders
तुमको शतरंज में अच्छी चालें चलनी चाहिए।Thumko shathranj mei achchee* chaale chalni chaahiye.You should make good moves in chess.आपको शतरंज में अच्छी चालें चलनी चाहिए।Aapko shathranj mei achchee* chaalen chalni chaahiye.You should make good moves in chess.
अब तुम हिंदी में फिल्मी गाना गाओ।Ab thum hindi mei filmi gaanaa gaao.Now you sing a film song in Hindi.अब आप हिंदी में फिल्मी गाना गाइये।Ab aap hindi mei filmi gaanaa gaayiye.Now you sing a film song in Hindi.
तुम सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर तेजी से लिखो।Thum sabhee prashno ke uththar thaejee se likho.You write the answer to all the questions fast.आप सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर तेजी से लिखिए।Aap sabhee prashno ke uththar thaejee se likhiye.You write the answer to all the questions fast.

Go to Hindi Sentences & conversations in 4 Tenses