First try Hindi Sentence Building 1 and then try these sentences.
Start with simple two word sentences, learn to add some words and make the sentences longer to convey complete meanings.
Two Word Sentences
For Youngsters | For Elders |
तुम खेलो।Thum khelo.You play. | आप खेलिए।Aap kheliye.You play. |
तुम गावो।Thum gaao.You sing. | आप गाइये।Aap gaaiye.You sing. |
तुम लिखो।Thum likho.You write. | आप लिखिए।Aap likhiye.You write. |
Three Word Sentences
For Youngsters | For Elders |
तुम शतरंज खेलो।Thum shathranj khelo You play chess. | आप शतरंज खेलिए।Aap shathranj kheliye.You play chess. |
तुम गाना गाओ।Thum gaanaa gao.You sing a song. | आप गाना गाइये।Aap gaanaa gaaiye.You sing a song. |
तुम जवाब लिखो।Thum javaab likho.You write the answer. | आप जवाब लिखिए।Aap javaab likhiye.You write the answer. |
Four Word Sentences
For Youngsters | For Elders |
तुम शतरंज ठीक से खेलो।Thum shatranj tee*k se khelo.You play chess properly. | आप शतरंज ठीक से खेलिए।Aap shathranj tee*k se kheliye.You play chess properly. |
अब तुम गाना गाओ।Ab thum gaanaa gao.Now you sing a song. | अब आप गाना गाइये।Ab aap gaanaa gaaiye.Now you sing a song. |
तुम जल्दी से उत्तर लिखो।Thum jaldi se uththar likho.You write the answer quickly. | आप जल्दी से उत्तर लिखिए।Aap jaldee se uththar likhiye.You write the answer quickly. |
Longer Sentences
For Youngsters | For Elders |
तुमको शतरंज में अच्छी चालें चलनी चाहिए।Thumko shathranj mei achchee* chaale chalni chaahiye.You should make good moves in chess. | आपको शतरंज में अच्छी चालें चलनी चाहिए।Aapko shathranj mei achchee* chaalen chalni chaahiye.You should make good moves in chess. |
अब तुम हिंदी में फिल्मी गाना गाओ।Ab thum hindi mei filmi gaanaa gaao.Now you sing a film song in Hindi. | अब आप हिंदी में फिल्मी गाना गाइये।Ab aap hindi mei filmi gaanaa gaayiye.Now you sing a film song in Hindi. |
तुम सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर तेजी से लिखो।Thum sabhee prashno ke uththar thaejee se likho.You write the answer to all the questions fast. | आप सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर तेजी से लिखिए।Aap sabhee prashno ke uththar thaejee se likhiye.You write the answer to all the questions fast. |