After learning to read the Hindi vowels, consonants pa series, Hindi word set 1, ha and na series, ya ra la va series, ka series, Hindi assessment, cha and sa series & tha and ta Series start with the sha, sha*, sa, ha series of letters.
Please revise the previous lessons before starting on this one.
श ष स ह
Among sha, sha*, sa, ha, we have already discussed sa and ha in the previous lessons. We will revise them with words that use the two types of sha in this lesson.
sha श, ष sha*
These two sounds we will represent with the pronunciation help sha and sha*. Sha* ष is usually used with words that are borrowed from Sanskrit and used in Hindi and for all the other words we use sha श.
sha* ष is a harsher sound and sha is a softer sound. Sha* ष is pronounced by curling our tongue and almost touching the palate or upper part of our mouth. We let the air pass through the narrow gap between the palate and our curled tongue. When we pronounce sha we keep our tongue straight and take it closer to the area behind the teeth. The tongue position for pronouncing cha, cha* ja, jha series is similar to the tongue position of sha श pronunciation. Practising these sounds in simple words will help us learn them without any problem.
sha* ष and प pa
ba ब and व va
sha* ष and pa प are similar. Just a line inbetween is the difference. It is very similar to ba and va.
Read the following words.
Set 1
खुश kush happy | शेष shesh* remaining | षष्ठी sha*sh*tee sixth |
शीघ्र sheegra soon | शादी shaadee marriage | हर्ष harsh* joy |
पक्षी pakshee bird | शंख shankh shell | शंका shankaa doubt |
कष्ट kash*t suffering | कृषि krushi* agriculture | शीशा sheeshaa mirror |
साड़ी saadi saree | सीढी seedee* ladder | काशी Kashi |
Set 2
संघर्ष sangarsh* conflict | सतर्क sathark alert | सब्ज़ी sabzi vegetable |
शीर्षक sheersha*k topic | शर्माना sharmaana blushing | हज़ार hazaar thousand |
शसक्त shasakth strong | शक्कर shakkar sugar | शहर shahar city |
श्याम shyaam evening | शकल shakl face | शहद shahad honey |
शख्स shakhs person | शिक्षण shikshan* teaching | शिक्षक shikshak teacher |
शिकारी shikaari hunter | धनुष dhanush* bow | कृष्ण krushn* Krishn |
समय samay time | सफल saphal successful | सरल saral easy |
Set 3
संतुष्टि santhushti Satisfaction | साष्टांग saash*taang prostration | हँसमुख hasmukh cheerful |
सहिष्णुता sahish*nu*taa tolerance | यशस्वी yashasvi famous | शरबत sharbat sherbet |
षड़यंत्र sha*dyantr conspiracy | षडभुज sha*dbhuj hexagon | विष्णु के विश्वरूप दर्शन Vishwarup Darshan of Vishnu |
Take this quiz to practice reading the letters and words of the sha, sha*, sa, ha Series.
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Read this conversation. Try to read by covering the pronunciation help. Take help only when needed.
शीला: हेलो, क्षमा कैसी हो? बेटी की शादी पर बधाई।
sheela: helo, kshama kaisi ho? beti ki shadhi par badha*i.
Sheela: Hello, how are you Kshama? Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding.
क्षमा: शीला मौसी! कहाँ है आप? शादी में क्यों नहीं आए?
Kshama: sheela mausee! kahaan hai aap? shaadhi mein kyon nahi aaye?
Kshama: Sheela Aunty! Where are you? Why didn’t you come to the wedding?
शीला: मुझे अचानक विदेश आना पड़ा। मुझे बाद में पता चला कि शादी तय हो गई है।
sheela: mujhe achaanak vidhesh aana pada. mujhe baadh mei patha chalaa ki shaadhi thay ho gayi hai.
Sheela: I had to come abroad suddenly. I later came to know that the marriage had been fixed.
क्षमा: हाँ सब कुछ बहुत जल्दी, जल्दी हुआ। आप शीग्र वापस आ जाईये।
Kshama: haan sab kuchh bahuth jaldhi, jaldhi hua. aap sheegr vaapas aa jaeeye.
Kshama: Yes, everything happened very, very quickly. You come back soon.
शीला: कल शाम को ही वापस आ रही हूँ।
Sheela: kal shaam ko hee vaapas aa rahee hoon.
Sheela: I am coming back tomorrow evening only.
क्षमा: बहुत अच्छा! परसो शाम को हमने मुँह दिखाई रखा है। आप ज़रूर आना।
Kshama: bahuth achcha*! paraso shaam ko humnae muh dhikhaayi rakha hai. aap zaroor aanaa.
Kshama: Very good! We have Muh Dhikhaayi the day before yesterday evening. You must come.
शीला: हाँ, हाँ, ज़रूर आऊंगी। मुझे श्याम को देखने का बहुत मन कर रहा है। शगुन भी देना है।
Sheela: haa, haa, zaroor aaoongee. mujhe shyaam ko dekhnae kaa bahuth man kar raha hai. shagun bhee dhenaa hai.
Sheela: Yes, yes I will definitely come. I really feel like seeing Shyam. Shagun also has to be given.
क्षमा: आपका आशीर्वाद ही चाहिए।आप जैसे बड़ों के आशीर्वाद से बच्चे खुश रहेंगे।
kshama: aapkaa aasheervaadh hee chaahiye. aap jaise bado kae aasheervaadh se bachchae khush rahengae.
Kshama: Only your blessings are needed. Children will be happy with the blessings of elders like you.
शीला: बेशक! श्याम को तो मै बचपन से जानती हूँ। शर्मिला को पहली बार मिलूंगी।
Sheela: beshak! Shyaam ko tho mai bachapan se jaanathee hoon. Sharmila ko pehali baar miloongee.
Sheila: Of course! I have known Shyam since childhood. Will meet Sharmila for the first time.
क्षमा: हाँ मुझे शंका हुई की शायद आपकी तबियत ठीक न हो। इसीलिए नहीं आ पाए हो।
Kshama: haa mujhe shankaa huyee kee shaayad aapki thabiyath tee*k na ho. isliye nahi aa paye ho.
Kshama: Yes, I suspected that you might not be well. That’s why you couldn’t come.
शीला: शुक्र है भगवान की तबियत तो ठीक है अब। और शादी शुदा जोड़ों को देखके तो खुशी से फूल जावूँगी।
Sheela: shukr hai bhagavaan kee thabiyath tho tee*k hai ab. aur shaadhi shudha jodo ko dhekhke tho khushee se phool jaavoongee.
Sheela: Thank God my health is fine now. And I will be overjoyed to see the married couple.
क्षमा: आपको आने में कोई कष्ट हो तो बिना संकोच बता देना। श्याम आके पिक उप कर लेगा।
Kshama: aapko aane mei koyee kasht ho tho bina sankoch bathaa dhena. Shyaam aake pick up kar lega.
Kshama: If you have any difficulty in coming, please let us know without hesitation. Shyam will come and pick up.
शीला: नहीं, नहीं, मैं अपने आप आजाऊँगी। शायद शंकर भी आना चाहेगा। उसके साथ आजाऊंगी।
Sheela: nahi, nahi, mai apnae aap aajaoongi. shaayadh shankar bhee aana chaahega. uske saath aajaoongee.
Sheela: No, no, I will come by myself. Maybe Shankar would also like to come. I will come with him.
क्षमा: ठीक है फिर! आपसे बात करके कितना हर्ष हुआ है बयान नहीं कर सकती।
Kshama: tee*k hai phir! aapsae baath karkae kithnaa harsh hua hai bayaan nahi kar sakthi.
Kshama: Okay then! I can’t express how happy I am to talk to you.
शीला: मुझे भी बहुत ख़ुशी हुई। एक शानदार शादी में शामिल होने से चूक गयी। लेकिन मुँह दिखाई में जरूर भाग लूंगी।
Sheela: I am also very happy. Missed out on attending a wonderful wedding. But I will definitely participate in Muh Dhikaayi.
क्षमा: मौसा जी को मेरा साष्टांग प्रणाम कह देना। परसों मिलते हैं ।
Kshama: mausaa ji ko mera saashtaang pranaam keh dena. paraso miltae hai .
Kshama: Convey my Shashtaang Pranam to Mausa ji. Let’s meet the day after tomorrow.