Hindi Varnamala

After learning to read the Hindi vowelsconsonants pa seriesHindi word set 1ha and na seriesya ra la va serieska series, Hindi assessment, cha and sa series & tha and ta series we can have a look at the complete varnamala or the collection of letters in Hindi.

Each of the lessons mentioned above start with a discussion of the shape of the letters, helpful tips for remembering and reading them, sets of words, phrases, sentences as well as a conversation highlighting the use of the words beginning with those letters. The lessons are planned as per the frequency of the use of the letters and words in conversation and not in the alphabetical order. So a systematic step by step approach is used in presenting each sets of letters. Please check the previous lessons before starting with this page.



ka to ha Letters

ka and cha Series

ta and tha Series

pa and ya ra la va Series

sha, sa and ha Series

Check out these books to further revise the letters and the related words.

Hindi Vowels

Hindi Consonants

Now you should be able to read these books too without pronunciation help. Try it!

Go to Hindi Reading Assessment 2