IELTs Writing Prompt

Here is a sample writing prompt and how to answer it well to get a higher band in the IELTs Examination.

IELTs Writing Prompt

Some people believe that the best way to learn about other cultures is to travel to those countries and experience them firsthand. Others believe that it is possible to learn about other cultures through books, movies, and the internet. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust
It is often said that the best way to learn about another culture is to travel to that country and experience it firsthand. While there is some truth to this statement, it is also possible to learn about other cultures through books, films, and the internet.

Advantages of travelling to other countries

There are several advantages to travelling to other countries. For one, it allows us to experience the culture firsthand. We can see the sights, hear the sounds, and taste the food. We can also meet people from the culture and learn about their customs and traditions. This can be a very eye-opening experience and can help us to understand the culture on a deeper level.

In addition, travelling to other countries can help us to develop cross-cultural communication skills. When we are in a foreign country, we are forced to communicate with people who speak a different language and have different customs. This can be a challenge, but it is also a great way to learn about different cultures and how to communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds.

Disadvantages of travelling to other countries

However, travelling to other countries can also be expensive and time-consuming. It is not always possible to travel to every country that we want to learn about. Additionally, not everyone has the opportunity to travel. For these reasons, it is important to consider other ways to learn about other cultures.

Advantages of learning about other cultures through books, films, and the internet

Books, films, and the internet can all be valuable sources of information about other cultures. Books can provide us with in-depth information about a particular culture. Films can give us a glimpse into the daily lives of people from other cultures. And the internet can connect us with people from all over the world and give us access to a wealth of information.

One can also learn about other cultures through books, films, and the internet. This is a relatively inexpensive and time-efficient way to learn about the world. For example, one can read a book about a culture in the comfort of their own home, or watch a film about a culture online. Additionally, one can connect with people from other cultures through social media or online forums.


In conclusion, there are both benefits and drawbacks to travelling to other countries and learning about other cultures through books, films, and the internet. The best way to learn about other cultures is to use a combination of both methods. travelling can provide us with a firsthand experience of a culture, while books, films, and the internet can provide us with additional information and insights.

We can learn about other cultures through a variety of methods, including travelling, reading, watching films, and using the internet. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the best way to learn about other cultures is to use a combination of methods.

Analysis of the answer

  1. The answer begins with a nice quotation related to the topic.
  2. The introduction shows that we have understood the question.
  3. The introduction also summarises what is to come in other paragraphs.
  4. Each paragraph takes up one unit of the discussion and provides details.
  5. The conclusion sums up our idea and explains our position.

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